Detect over/under extrusion

  • PRINT with following settings :
    • 0% infill (no filling)
    • 1.2mm Shell thickness

the test :

  1. With a slide rule you can measure the difference between the opening at the front and the protruding piece at the back of the 'tooth'. If the gap is larger than the tooth, you have under-extrusion and you need to adjust the extrusion on your printer with the negative value of the difference of the measurement. If the tooth is wider than the gap, you have over-extrusion and you need to adjust the extrusion value positively on your printer. If you cannot do this in your printer, you can usually do it in your slicer software (cura, Simplify3D,...).
  2. If you do not have a caliper, print out 2 of these pieces in the same print, and try to fit them together. The result should be the same as what you get with the measurement above.